North Ayrshire Council’s Capital Budget will deliver investment worth more than £400million to help support communities and residents.
The Capital Budget supports investment in buildings, infrastructure and regeneration projects and the newly-approved programme will see a focus on a number of major developments.
This includes projects as varied as the new Ardrossan Community Campus, creation of the i3 business space in Irvine and major improvements to the B714.
In addition, the capital budget will have a sustained focus on protecting the environment through projects such as the Council’s solar PV farms at Shewalton and Nethermains and the decarbonisation of the Council’s transport fleet.
Rising inflation and increased costs for construction materials have had an impact on the capital plan but the budget has been managed to ensure it will continue to deliver ambitious and regenerative projects.
Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement, Councillor Christina Larsen, said: “There’s no doubt that times are tough and we face financial challenges.
“But that doesn’t stop us being ambitious for North Ayrshire and being able to invest in major projects which will bring positive change for our residents.
“While our revenue budget pays for day-to-day council services, the Capital budget allows us to make significant investment into North Ayrshire – everything from roads to new-build projects.
“Our capital programme also has a strong emphasis on protecting our environment as we continue our journey to net zero. It includes significant investment into our new solar PV farms at Shewalton and Nethermains, and a significant overhaul of the Council’s fossil fuelled vehicles, replacing them with electric vehicles and more environmentally sustainable fleet solutions.”
Among some of the other major projects included in the capital budget are the new Montgomerie Park Primary School, investment in the Great Harbour in Irvine, plans to develop marine tourism facilities in North Ayrshire and continued investment in roads.
At the meeting, elected members also agreed to endeavour to ensure that capital programme delivers investment in every locality in North Ayrshire going forward.