The Great Harbour is the programme of  development of Irvine Harbourside area between the town centre and the beach.

It includes the implementation of the ‘Maritime Mile’ investment allocated through the Ayrshire Growth Deal.

Proposals include:

  • the expansion of the Scottish Maritime Museum to include exhibition and events space
  • the development of a site to offer retail and restaurant/take away food commercial opportunities within an events and arts hub
  • the development of a significant play facility

This will see a huge change in the number of visitors attracted to the area and improvements in placemaking.

The Ayrshire Growth Deal investment will encourage further commercial investment opportunities in the residential and commercial leisure sectors on Council land allocated for development within the adopted Local Development Plan (LDP).


Commercial Leisure, Residential

Planning status

Land allocated for development within the adopted LDP.

Site owner

North Ayrshire Council major landowner.

Site partners

Scottish Maritime Museum; Crown Estate Scotland; NPL Estates; local businesses

